Friday, September 30, 2011

Mad About Buttons - A Craft Cafe for the Button Crazed

{Pretty Buttons}
 Last night's Craft Cafe was awesome! It was on a Thursday evening, which turns out didn't work very well for our regulars, but we had some new ladies and some repeat crafters, for a total of five. Turns out, for this first go with the button necklace, it was the perfect amount of people for Sheena and I to help, and to also get some of our own crafting done. We demonstrated how to do a simple stitched necklace and a more complicated two needle style which ends up looking like the buttons were run through a sewing machine, then we turned everyone loose to let the fun ensue. Amid sips of tea and coffee, everyone chatted and created, in the cozy Wild Flour. This was the first time in a long while that the sun went down while we were there, which means winter is coming. My favourite parts of the evening, are when Chloe struck out on her own, as a renegade crafter, creating her own style (with the engineering help of Kristy) of elastic bracalet, and when a girl named Maggie, who happened to be passing by outside, looked in, saw what we were doing, came in, exclaimed, "I love making button necklaces" and pulled one out of her purse!

 Maggie, a girl after out own heart. Not only does she make buttons necklaces, she had one in her bag when she randomly walked by Craft Cafe, so she came in to show us!

 The Ladies
Chloe's renegade bracalet
{More Pretty Buttons}

 Stephanie's necklace is coming together...

 Have you met Sheena, she loves to ham it up...

 I always photograph Sheena at least once, while she is photographing something, as a general rule...

 {Your Lovely Craftinistas}
Miho got the double stitch down in no time flat!
 Kristy wins points for the best technique thank to the safety pin she had in her bag
Kat watched once and took it from there.

Do you like to make things with buttons? Leave a comment about what you make... If you are interested in attending a Craft Cafe or bring put on the email lost please leave a comment below....

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